Mill Creek Community Church is a church led by its elders, a group of men who love the Lord and are committed to His church and its people. An elder looks over the entire ministry and leads, feeds, and protects the ministry to ensure that it flourishes as the Body of Christ. 

Our Elder Board manage the affairs of the church and the staff carries out the day-to-day administration of church activities.  Our 14 member Elder Board currently consists of 4 staff elders and 10 non-staff elders. To contact the elders, please email us.

CurtisCurtis Arnold

CharlieCharlie Baxter

NeilNeil Bilyeu

Tim BTim Blankenship

Reed BReed Brown

Marty BMarty Burch

Nathan ENathan Eberline

Justin HJustin Hamilton

Chris IChris Isaacson

Jeremy KJeremy Krause

Craig NCraig Nienaber

John PJohn Pruitt

Ralph RRalph Richardson

David RDavid Robinson


click here to meet our Staff >