The primary purpose for a “Neighbors & Nations” ministry at Mill Creek is to further the mission of the church into places and people groups not directly reached by our local church body. We will intentionally encourage, train, equip and send disciples to participate in God’s Mission of making disciples of all nations, for His glory.

  • If you are interested in beginning a conversation about long-term partnership, please click HERE for an online application.
  • If you are interested in, or going on, a short-term missions trip, please click HERE for an online application. 
  • If you have questions about anything on this page, please email us HERE


We desire to show the love and compassion of Jesus to a broken and hurting community. We believe that the key to transforming lives for Jesus is through the context of the relationships we build in our neighborhoods, workplaces and third spaces.

BLESS is an acronym that represents 5 practices that Jesus modeled for us, and is a simple reminder to share our lives with those around us. This is how we believe God is intentionally calling us to BLESS our city:

   Begin with prayer.  We pray every day, asking God to give us “divine appointments” by putting people in our path who we can bless.
   Listen.  We listen to the needs of the people and places around us.
   Eat.  We share meals with others because eating often leads to connection and meaningful conversation.
   Serve.  We serve others and serve with others to bring hope into hopeless situations.
   Share your story.  We share our stories of how God is changing our lives and we invite others to find their own place in God’s story.

Local and Regional Partners
Partner Ministries are ministries in which Mill Creek comes alongside by providing financial support, awareness, and/or active volunteer recruitment.

Member-Led Ministries
Member-led ministries are local ministries of special interest and passion that Mill Creek members lead and invite others to join them as volunteers.


Mill Creek desires to obey the commission of Acts 1 and go to “all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth” (Acts 1:8).  We desire to do this through the efforts of our indigenous global partners who are multiplying disciples and meeting spiritual, physical, and emotional needs of our brothers and sisters through various community development initiatives as church planting, refugee care, pastor training/equipping, medical care, business development, education, and more.

International Partners
The following are internationally focused partner ministries in which Mill Creek comes along-side by providing financial support, awareness and/or volunteer recruitment.

Short-term Cross-Cultural Ministry Opportunities
It’s our desire that every short-term cross-cultural ministry opportunity be seen as an extension of our local ministry. Short-term exposure trips model sustainability and partnerships, to produce long-term church health. It’s our desire to serve at the request of and under local church leadership as humble learners. 

  • June 2025 WGO Short-term Trip (Info coming Fall 2024)

Serving as extensions of Mill Creek’s ministry, we have sent missionaries around the world. They are expanding the Kingdom through church planting, Christian education, campus evangelism, English language classes and more. If you would like to know more about these partners, or would like to contact them directly, please email us HERE and we will provide you contact info. 

  • Ben & Meghan B. (SE Asia)
  • Jamie & Ashley G. (Persians)
  • Sam & Carita M. (Argentina)
  • Dustin & Niki S. (SE Asia)
  • Elijah and Britany V. (Middle East)