Mill Creek Community Church’s MISSION is:
Disciples making disciples for God’s glory.
Our ultimate purpose and desire is to glorify God (2 Thes 1:5-12; 1 Pt 4:11; Rev 4:11). This is the underlying purpose of all creation, and it should be expressed nowhere more clearly than in and through the Church, for we belong to God, and we are the Body of Christ in this world until he returns.
We are committed to being a disciple-making church. A disciple is not just a learner, but one who makes other disciples (Mt 28:19; Mk 16:15; 2 Tm 2:2). While teaching and mentoring are crucial to deepen those who have trusted Christ, it is no less important that we take the gospel wide to those who do not yet profess faith in Christ. So disciple-making is a term that encompasses our ministry to all people groups, from evangelism of the lost to training of the believer, and has as its goal to make disciples that make disciples.