Here at Mill Creek Community Church, we believe the New Testament teaches there are two offices in the church. Elders serve as pastoral leaders providing direction through teaching, protecting, leading, and shepherding the flock. Deacons minister as servants through physical aspects of care among the flock and community.
Examples of this include ministering to the needy (widows, orphans as described in scripture), distributing financial assistance, and serving behind the scenes to prepare gospel ministry (serving communion, preparing baptisms, receiving and accounting for offerings, etc). These examples are not meant to limit, but to describe the work of deacon service.
Karen Baxter Benevolence Deacon |
Randy Dalton Caring Deacon |
Teresa Dalton Caring Deacon |
Jamie Johnson Benevolence Deacon |
Sharilee Johnson Benevolence Deacon |
John Salisbury AV Deacon |
Jerry Steele Ordinance/Usher Deacon |
Brandon Storm Men's Ministry Deacon |
Rowley Tedlock Grounds Deacon |
Mike Whitney Financial Deacon |
Stephen Woll Facility Deacon |